Mistki -Celine - My Favorite Lover Girls
During the summer of 2022, I went on a very large Ethan Hawke kick in which I watched a staggering amount of Ethan Hawke films within a three week period. At the end of it, and after years of staunch advocating from my friend Dory, I finally got to The Before Sunrise trilogy. From there, I had to fully ignore Ethan Hawke because Celine, played by the gorgeous Julie Deply, had taken my breath away, in the rawness of her reluctantly lover girl leanings. According to Dory, I'm "Celine-coded". As I fell in love with her, I started to see a lot of similarities between her and Mitski. I think for a very long time, in sort of reductive way, people often incorrectly branded Mitski as a sad girl. While that archetype is firmly embodied by artists like Phoebe Bridgers or Julian Baker, it is not one where Mitski fits. Mitski is , much like Celine, uniquely tender and sentimental in expression of herself and experienced in and around love. Her lyrics express the raw feelings around devotion, devastation, longing, loneliness and every nuance that comes from being a loving human seeking out love. She is at core a lover girl. I can still remember the chills down my spine when I listened to "Your Best American Girl" for the first time sitting in my friend Leslie's college dorm room during one of our RA shifts. I could feel the closeness of "I will wash your hair at night" . And so in celebration of these two lover girls, I put together a collection of quotes from Celine as Mitski songs.
I Bet on Losing Dogs
2. I Will
3. My Love Mine all Mine; Secondly - Retweet
4. Townie - I think this is one of many times where she spoke and I had to pause the film to audibly scream.
5. . Lonesome Love