Love At First Listen - Used to Be Young (1/2 Great Miley Songs this Year)
Justice for Jaded

In “Used To Be Young,” Miley Cyrus looks back on her sometimes wild and crazy past, but not with regret, as most would expect. Instead, the singer is celebrating the many versions of Miley she’s been and how they've helped her become the Miley she is today. As someone who's grew up remembering the Hannah Montana lesbian kiss, Nick Jonas pregnancy speculation, and the infamous Party in the USA pole incident, I've grown up watching Miley be scandalized and poked at by the media. But no matter what "mistakes" or choices she made, she's never backed down from being 100% authentically who she was. Used to Be Young provides us with a healthy beautiful way to reminisce and express gratitude to our past without the pain of grieving it or hemming and hawing over past decisions. In a generation that is filled with a hunger for nostalgia and perhaps a slightly unhealthy aversion to growing up, Miley leads the way with a healthy total love of self, past, present, and future. Definitely worth three listens.